
Monster hunter steel assault 3
Monster hunter steel assault 3

monster hunter steel assault 3
  1. Monster hunter steel assault 3 update#
  2. Monster hunter steel assault 3 series#

Monster hunter steel assault 3 series#

Ore Series (Sword -> Giant edged sword -> chrome steel razor) -> Long derived extinct (Long extinct ruling) After theĪttribute double sword is equipped with the beads and equipment, it will perform better than the blasting hammer on the weak monsters. Jie Weijier, Xili double swords, you need to fight Wizard 3 cooperative activities mission-ancient deer head, almost comes with nothing, attack power (calculated as white chopping) The same, but the appearance is very good, pay attention to the appearance can replace this one. Late unchanged: Kai Lo knife angle (Xuan Hui Long), Jiwei Ji children (ancient deer head fine), all kinds of property swordsĪrmor Luo knife angle say explosion hammer sticks Reprinted, looks better, but it lacks level 2 holes, which is actually a slight loss. Is still a first-line double sword without attributes, and the relationship of appearance is commonly known as chicken leg 26z It would be more cost-effective to make a universal double sword under the condition of lack of resources in the early stage. No property, physical attack The highest double sword, the attribute double sword is very good, but the strength of the attribute weapon depends on the support of beads and many resources. Startle series ( bone ax ) -> Long Man derived jaw ( flame Tomahawk) -> Long derived angle (critical hammer ax) Purely on the attack power is Kailuo cutting knife soil sand, but the two are actually very close to the sand dragon sticks,

Monster hunter steel assault 3 update#

Please wait for the follow-up update and the main line can be started after clearing the customs. There is no initial version of Xuanhuilong and Diretyrannosaurus.

monster hunter steel assault 3

Update replacement: kaluo cut knife earth sand (Xuanhuilong), lethal broad sword zzzz II0z description:

monster hunter steel assault 3

Note 1 ※No bead: non-attribute weapon attack power +10% With the special enhancement of non-attribute weapons After starting with "No Strike Bead ※Note 1", even the attack power is won. It also has 2 more customizations than the vanguard of destruction. It can consume one customization to solve the problem of negative understanding. , unlock the weapon customization, which can be customized 3 times. The damage and feel of the main line period are lost. With the same high physical attack power, Lan Zhan is much shorter, and it also has a negative mind. Later replaced: earth sand dragon stick (earth sand dragon) There is no white cut, the gap is not too big, if you don't want to change it, you can continue to use it. It is recommended to use the weapon given in the early stage to rise all the way up, and it will be replaced by the sand dragon stick in the later stage. It is a very easy to use one-handed sword. The Exterminating Dragon weapon provides a good cutting taste and very high physical attack power. The shield attack of a one-handed sword does not eat attributes, making high physical attack the first indicator. Moves Sword With a low RBI, "Falling Shield Blow" provides high damage and very high RBI, and has become the main output method. Ore series (Hunter knife -> Steel Knife -> chromium steel cutter) -> extinguish Long derived (extinct Long Sword) Pioneers, if there are no obstacles to the shooting game, the best and safest weapon is light, heavy crossbow. So you don’t have a weapon shop, because he only sells novice weapons. Monster Hunter series is to let players make weapons instead of spending money to buy them in a weapon store. Weapons stores are the same as delivered to the warehouse. You need to wait for follow-up update activities or new dragons to make. Update replaces- is not available in the first version. After the main line is broken, the customized will be unlocked, and the performance of the beads can be enough to replace the current weapons. Replaces - in the later stage and can be produced. May replace the weapons that have been with you for a long time, so will also mention whether it will be replaced later. The new dragons and active weapons released after Z0 After that, you all have a certain degree of familiarity with the game and have your own ideas. In order to avoid you from wasting materials, the best production line for each weapon is listed below: Novices who have come into contact with various weapons have the trouble of not knowing which route to take to strengthen the main line

Monster hunter steel assault 3